Summer Car Maintenance Checklist

Summer Car Maintenance Checklist

Summer is almost here, and while we’re no doubt ready for some well-earned sunshine after months of endless heavy rain, the hotter season poses one or two challenges for our vehicles that we need to be aware of.

With higher temperatures and some unique conditions, you’ll need to take some steps to ensure your vehicle is fully prepared. Moreover, summer is a great time to prep your car for the colder months.

So without further ado, let’s go over a brief checklist to get your car ready for summer. 

Coolant System Check

First and foremost, you’ll want to ensure your car's coolant system is in top condition by checking coolant levels and inspecting hoses for any signs of leaks or damage. 

Proper coolant levels and a well-maintained cooling system are essential at all times, but especially so during the summer when temperatures are warmer and your vehicle’s engine is more at risk of overheating.

If your engine were to overheat then this can be fatal for your vehicle, so to avoid any costly repairs or replacements, make your coolant and cooling system your first port of call.

Exterior And Interior Care 

Although our vehicles tend to get less dirty during the summer, this doesn’t mean we should clean them any less. 

Keep your vehicle’s interior and exterior protected from sun damage by regularly washing and waxing the and applying UV protection to interior surfaces. 

Additionally, consider using a garage or parking in shaded areas to minimise sun exposure whenever possible.

Get A Car Cover

If you drive a particularly expensive vehicle and you don't own a garage, you may want to consider a car cover. 

With the sun shining (hopefully), your vehicle will be subjected to a higher concentration of UV which over time can cause the paint to fade or degrade.

By applying a cover, this ensures your vehicle is protected, helping maintain your paint’s vivid, showroom colour.

Inspect The Air Conditioning

This one is more for enjoyment purposes than anything else, but nothing beats climbing into your car on a swelteringly hot day and cranking up the aircon. However, that’s going to be difficult if it’s not working properly!

So get prepared by having your car's air conditioning system inspected and, if necessary, serviced. An expert will be able to check for proper refrigerant levels, clean or replace air filters and ensure all vents are unobstructed, all of which will have your air con firing on all cylinders, ready for those blistering days.

Tyre Pressure And Tread Check

Safety is always the most important consideration when it comes to your vehicle as a car that’s unfit for the road is not just a danger to you but also hazardous for others.

One safety consideration in summer is your tyres. Hot weather can cause tyre pressure to fluctuate, so regularly check this to ensure you have enough air as underinflated tyres could cause you to have an accident.

Moreover, inspect tyre tread depth and condition to ensure safe traction on hot, dry roads. Most think that tyre maintenance is only important when the roads are slippery, but you need to keep an eye on them year round.

Battery Health Assessment

There’s nothing worse than getting into your car, only to find it won’t start due to a faulty battery. What’s even worse is you may not be able to diagnose the issue, leading to anxiety and uncertainty until you’ve had an expert take a look.

Summer heat can cause your battery fluid to evaporate, leading to battery failure. So have your car's battery tested to ensure it's in good condition and able to handle the increased demands of summer.

Windscreen Cover

Last but not least, make sure you have windscreen cover in place.

Did you know many insurance companies are removing windscreen cover?

If you think your insurance policy covers windscreen damage, check the wording to make sure. You might just get a nasty surprise!

If you discover you’re not covered then it might be time to protect yourself to avoid any costly bills in the unfortunate event you need your vehicle’s windscreen repaired.

Investing in windscreen cover is a wise decision for any vehicle owner as it protects you from any unexpected repair or eye-watering replacement costs, as well as offering peace of mind as your vehicle’s safety is made a priority.