How The Sun Can Damage Your Windscreen

How The Sun Can Damage Your Windscreen

Summer’s almost upon us, which will come as a welcome relief after one of the dampest springs on record!

But while many of us will be hoping for as many sunny days as possible, many vehicle owners are unaware that the constant barrage of warm weather can be damaging for their windscreen.

Here, we’ll be explaining why, as well as offering some useful tips for keeping your windscreen protected in summer.

How Sun Can Damage Windscreen

We’re all warned about the perils of the sun on our skin, but nobody tells us that it can be damaging for our vehicles too!

But over time, prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the glass to weaken and become more prone to cracks and chips. The heat from the sun can also worsen existing flaws in the glass, causing them to spread which in some cases can compromise the structural integrity of the windscreen. 

Additionally, UV radiation can gradually start to take its toll on the plastic components of the windscreen, leading to discolouration and hazing.

Tips For Avoiding Sun Damage

Thankfully there are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of sun damage. These include:

Park In Shaded Areas

If you have a garage then be sure to put it to good use. If you don’t own a garage then park in shaded areas such as under trees or in front of buildings whenever possible as this can help mitigate the effects of UV exposure. 

Use A Sunshade

For motorists who have no other option, a sunshade will help protect your vehicle while it’s sat in the sun. In fact, even if you have a garage, it’s worth carrying a sun screen for when you’re out and about as you never know when you’ll need to leave your vehicle for a long period of time.

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections for chips and cracks, followed by prompt repairs if you spot anything awry, can also prevent minor issues from escalating into major headaches down the road.

Windscreen Cover

So with all this in mind, it’s clear to see why windscreen cover is crucial for motorists.

With car windscreen insurance cover, you’ll be protected against any unexpected damage. All you’ll need to do is pay a small excess and your glass will be repaired completely free of charge.

The cost of repairing a windscreen can differ depending on the severity of the damage incurred. But for a complete windscreen replacement, in many cases, you could be looking at a bill that runs into the hundreds or even thousands of pounds.

Many people mistakenly believe they get windscreen cover automatically with their fully comprehensive insurance policy, but providers have been removing windscreen cover to cut costs, without telling their customers. 

So check your policy and if you’re not covered, contact us today and we’ll get some cover put in place!